Want A Thriving Business? Focus On 8a Certification!

We here give you answers to very common questions regarding the 8a program by SBA. The aspirant wants to know about the application process for 8a certification to avoid rejection or denial.

Let’s begin with the frequently asked questions about the program

·         How long is the tenure of the 8a program?

The program is for 9 years and is divided into 2 parts. The first stage is of 4 years and is known as the developmental stage. The second stage is of 5 years known as the transitional stage.

·         Who can apply for the program?

The US citizens who are the owners of small businesses and are not able to perform in the US market and are victims of racial and social prejudice can apply to the program.

·         How does the 8a certification help a business to grow?
The program certifies that the business has the potential for federal orders and qualifies for them. So, there are federal agencies that prefer buying from these companies only. Doing trade in the government market is very prestigious as well and creates goodwill as well in the commercial market. So, it channelizes the business to grow and thrive in the federal contracts.


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