
Showing posts from March, 2018

The 8a certification can lead the small businesses to success

The video on 8a certification is the information regarding the program for small and disadvantaged firms and companies in the US market. Often the entrepreneurs complain about the lack of opportunity theta face in the commercial market. The SBA provides certification to the small and disadvantaged companies to do business in the federal market. Getting on the 8a program proves eligibility for the small companies to bid for huge federal orders. The federal orders mean volume purchases and bulk discounts. However, it is not easy to get on the minority program. The eligibility criteria need to be fulfilled failing which the SBA rejects/ denies the 8a certification . The eligibility criteria are All applicant(s) must be US citizens. The primary or main applicant must the owner of the business holding management position The primary holder of the company must show that he/she is the maximum compensated in the business applying for the 8a certification. There should not be any

What Are The Benefits Of Being An 8a Business - One Certified By The SBA?

8a Business is a business which has been certified by the small business association. 8a certification is a business assistance program divided into two phases over nine years for is accredited by SBA which assists in the development of socially and economically disadvantaged people.  A lot of benefits accrue for the 8a business when the businesses have been approved by the Small Business Administration.  The thought behind 8a certification is to help the inconvenience of this discriminated group of people by helping them get 8a certification application   approved and giving the much need push to their entrepreneurial desire. Certifications enable 8a businesses to get federal government privileges in contract grant which additionally lets them acquire the right elected contracting vehicles. The vision and mission between 8a certification  is to help the hindered areas of the general public, financially and generally in meeting their destinations by helping them get confirmed an

Reasons why most applications for 8a certification are denied by the SBA

Rejection or denial of the application for 8a certification is really confusing as there are no clear instructions what the SBA exactly wants from the applicant. So, it can be rightly said that there is no finite rule to prepare the application, which leads to cancellation or denial of the application. Messy or untidy packaging and organizing the 8a application can one of the causes for triggering the denial or rejection. Leaving notebook with stationery like binder clips, plastic sleeves, stapling papers are the reasons for the delay in the 8a application approval. The documents are an essential part of the application and missing them are the most common reasons for the delay. Also, if the applicant has applied for a waiver, then there is the need for supporting documents to become eligible for the waiver. This becomes the primary cause of the rejection. If the application is sent back, the applicant needs to start all over again. This is a huge loss of time and effort. Many

Master the skills of what is 8a certification and be successful

For any applicant for 8a program, there is no one line answer to what is 8a certification . The SBA can reject the application for any small error, and therefore it is very much required to know all about the minority program. Sometimes, even after preparing the application with utmost care, the certification is denied or the application is rejected. This causes a huge loss of time and effort utilized in preparing the application. To avoid such situations, the safest route to the 8a program is to understand every detail of the minority certification. The SBA requires the applicant company to fulfill the eligibility criteria to get on the program. To understand clearly the criteria individually and find out how much potential is there for your company to get on the program is the most important job. If these things appear complicated, then hire an expert consulting firm which will navigate the process for you. Discuss with your consultant about your company and find out what is 8a

How to make fewer mistakes while applying for 8a certification

You have begun the process for 8a certification and are jittery as the buzz suggests that the SBA rejects the application for the smallest pretext. Well, you are right and of course, it is correct that more than 70% of the applications are rejected by the SBA. To avoid getting to meet the same fate of your application, we suggest you research and study well before starting the process. Dig deeper and you will be surprised to find how intricate and detailed the requirements for 8a certification are. There are waivers to certain eligibility criteria, need to prove which requires documents and the endless accounts of the business which proves that the company applying for the minority certification is truly eligible. There are consulting firms who know the requirement of the SBA for the certification. Many companies hire them as they know the navigation process. Though they do charge fees for their services, yet they are experts who reduce in fact diminishes the chance of gettin

Become a ninja to utilize the 8a certification for federal contracts

Congratulations for obtaining the 8a certification from SBA and now there is no time to relax. Why so? Well, getting on the 8a program does not mean that the federal contracts will come pouring in for your company. The entrepreneur makes the biggest mistake of relaxing after obtaining the certification. The federal does keep aside some of the federal purchases from small and disadvantaged firms/companies but these companies need to bid for the contracts with the huge discounts and quality products and services. It is an intricate process and the companies need to gear up for the show. To be aware of the federal trade, it is advisable to study the award and trade of the federal contracts. The close study of competitive companies, their price offers and deals will give a plethora of information to the new entrant. The 8a certification does prove the eligibility of the company for huger federal contracts but the contracts are awarded on the company’s pricing and potential. S

Never suffer from 8a certification procurement process again

The 8a certification is awarded to small businesses and firms as they are not able to do business with their potential in the commercial market. They are not able to stand tall amongst the giant competitors and therefore shrink resulting in earning low revenues and lacking to expand and grow. The federal is the biggest buyer of goods and services and keep aside a percentage of its spending for small companies and firms. The SBA has the 8a program which provides the 8a certification to these companies which proves that they are eligible for the federal contracts. There are eligibility criteria to get on the 8a program The fine points of the eligibility criteria One of such criteria is being socially disadvantaged. In this criterion, 51% or more ownership should be owned by individuals or individuals who have a minimum of 25% of their blood heritage related to a recognized minority group. But for Native American Indians, there is a different criterion. They nee

This video suggests you how to get the 8a certification for your success

8a certification is for the small and disadvantaged businesses that are pushed back in the US commercial market and are not able to expand and grow. The Federal is the biggest buyer of goods and services and doing trade with the government will allow them to grow and flourish through government contracting. The 8a certification provides the opportunity to do trade with the federal as the certification establishes them eligible for federal contracts. Well, it is not mandatory to be on the 8a program to do trade with the Federal, anyone willing to get the federal contracts can apply directly for the contracts. However, the company applying for the government contracts need to fulfill the strict eligibility criteria for the contracts failing which leads to cancellation of the proposal.   8a certification proves eligibility of the applicant company to undertake the huge Federal orders. The SBA does not grant the company to get on the 8a program easily. It is a tough job to get th

Do not hold back your plan to get on the 8a program

The owners of small disadvantaged companies delay their plan of getting on the 8a program as they are not aware of the process, benefits, and ways to become a participant of the aid provided to them by SBA. This results in loss and low revenue for the company who is already a victim in the US commercial market. The 8a program is solely designed to benefit the small disadvantaged firms and businesses to help them grow and survive the competitive market. Applying for the certification is a long process and needs to fulfill all the eligibility criteria for the rejection of proposal means a great loss of time and resources. To get the approval it is advised to hire experts who can navigate the applying process smoothly. The benefits of the SBA 8a program are Sole source contracts- the 8a participants do not need to go through competitive process of sole source contracts. Teaming opportunities- the 8a certified companies are eligible for Mentor Protégé from the large firms o

Find out how 8a certification became the best

The SBA 8a certification is the certification to provide aid to the small businesses owned by disadvantaged entrepreneurs. There has been always the word that the small businesses do not get a fair chance in the US commercial market. Therefore, the Federal who is the biggest consumer of goods and services gives a chance to such business to earn revenue.  The 8a certification is provided to the companies who are eligible and have the potential to meet the federal contracts. It gives business visibility- the business is now a known name, many people research for information of any kind for 8a program in the 8a companies list and spotting name constantly adds weight age to the brand value. The status matters- it is a pride to be on a directly related to the Federal and its agencies. Employees, associates, and others are influenced by the status and position of the company in the list. Existence- last but not the least, the identity or niche of the business is constructed wit