
Showing posts from February, 2018

The mentor protégé program for companies with 8a certification

The SBA provides mentor protégé to companies with 8a certification for business development assistance to the successful firms. The only aim of the Mentor Protégé program is to build the potential of the participants to gain entrepreneurial success. It also helps in contributing to the strength of the economy of the country as well. The reason to enter the program The companies with 8a certification enter the program to develop the capabilities of the dependent company help the dependent company to achieve the goals designed by the SBA standard business  plan it will help the protégé capacity to complete the contract Financial aid in the program Aid is required by the dependant company in any form. The protégé is also entitled or eligible for financial aid by the mentor company. Mentors can have up to 40% in of the protégé to help it to increase or to raise the capital. The 8a certification provides aid to companies with the federal contracts. However, for big

How to influence your 8a certification process

Mind it, no one can do that. The SBA 8a certification cannot be influenced, inclined or swayed by any means. Then why we have mentioned it? Well, we want to discuss the legitimate ways you can‘influence’ your 8a certification process. The certification is awarded to disadvantaged companies and firms who are not able to get their credit in the commercial market. The Federal is the biggest buyer of goods and services and wants the small companies to provide them for their procurement. The condition of the process is that the Federal buys goods and services at heavy discounted prices without compromising the quality. The eligibility criteria for 8a certification prove that the company is eligible for Federal orders. So, the process is tough and very detailed. The best way to get on the 8a program is to hire consulting firms who can guide the whole process. They are experts who understand the eligibility criteria very well and are best people who can aid the process. So, lo

5 reasons you should be listening to 8a certification (video)

Almost all the applicants for 8a certification do read, gather information and try not to miss anything important regarding the minority program by the SBA. The reason for such aggressive approach is the denial or rejection of the application by SBA on the small pretext. But we need to point out something for the applicants. Do not miss or ignore the vlogs, videos small documentaries on the program. It is always the norm to give more emphasis to the written data than to watch the information. The same applies for 8a certification information. But actually, the audio-video medium has proved more efficient in the technical age. It gives vast information in the smallest time frame and needs small attention span. There are plenty of videos and vlogs but our recommendation is for the video below.  Sometimes listening works better and faster than reading as it demands less attention. For some, the audio-video medium works better and they find it easier to comprehend. Also,

Are the Amish eligible for 8a certification

Well, the 8a certification is awarded to the entrepreneurs of small and disadvantaged companies to do trade with the Federal and its agencies. The 8a program under SBA is full of success stories that are the great source of inspiration to many owners of small companies and firms. The minority groups, the population who suffer from social, economic and racial discrimination and are the citizens of the US are eligible for the 8a certification . Who are the Amish? They are the people belonging to the minority group, immigrated to Pennsylvania in the early 18th century. They are reluctant to adopt the new age lifestyles and are known for their horse and buggy way of life. They are a group of traditional Christian Church fellowship with Swiss Anabaptists origin. They live in groups and follow the traditional lifestyles and shun the modern amenities and services. Well, a few of them have shifted to modern day living but the population of such are really very low. They continue livin

The edge that 8a certified companies have over their competitors

The 8a certified companies are proved that they are eligible to meet the Federal orders for goods and services. The certification is awarded to small and disadvantaged companies who do not get a chance to perform in the US market amidst the big companies. To Understand in a Jiffy Watch The Video Being 8a certified they are not guaranteed for the federal orders but yes they do have an edge over their competitors. It proves that they do have the capacity for huge federal orders. Also, many government agencies prefer to buy goods from these companies and so patronage from such companies help immensely in the long run. The added advantage of getting 8a certified is the mentor protégé aid. It is provided to companies who are on 8a program. Training, workshops, sole source contracts and even partnering with other companies are the facilities for 8a certified companies. The 8s program is the aid provided by the government to such companies. However, they need to meet the eligibili